It is important to use discretion and good sense when choosing a civil litigation attorney. The right civil litigation attorney will understand your situation and give you proper advice so that you get the best possible outcome. If you are looking for an experienced civil litigation attorney to take on your case, here are some tips that you will find helpful:

1. Look at their qualifications:
It’s important that your civil litigation attorney possesses the right qualifications so that he/she is a good fit for your case. State bar associations are also good resources for finding lawyers who practice in the field in which you require assistance.

2. Make sure that the attorney specializes in the field you need assistance:
Civil litigation attorneys represent individuals in cases of divorce, land/tenant issues, embezzlement, home title theft and identity theft, financial crimes, and many other subject matters. The best litigation attorney for you would be the one who has years of experience in handling cases similar to yours. Should the case go to trial, make sure that the lawyer has significant trial experience.

Note: A specialist will know the latest developments and legal nuances applicable to your problem.

3. Pay attention to the way they listen to you:
As you meet with potential civil litigation attorneys, notice how mindfully they listen to you. Good civil litigation attorneys will actively listen to your case and give you the attention you deserve. They will demonstrate knowledge and awareness that they are capable of handling your case.

4. Understand who will handle your case:
Given the complexities of legal systems, civil litigation attorneys have a team of paralegals, junior attorneys, and others who assist them. When meeting civil litigation attorneys, determine how many professionals would work on your case. Find out who will take part in the discovery process, including deposition, witness involvement, and court filings.

5. Ask relevant questions during initial consultation:
The initial consultation is an opportunity for you to better understand the attorney and the team and know whether they are a good fit for you and your situation. Here are some important questions you must ask the attorneys:

  • What is their overall experience representing people like you?
  • What is their success rate in civil litigation cases similar to yours?
  • How often will they communicate with you and how do they prefer to communicate?
  • What is the hourly rate and what is the retainer fee? Do ask the attorneys how billing will be done?
  • Will they be handling your case personally? 

6. Check what others have to say about the attorney:
You would want to work with an attorney who is known for professional behavior. To distinguish the best attorneys from those who are just competent, read online reviews or speak to existing clients.

If you are looking for a civil litigation attorney who has prosecuted felonies and complex financial crimes, get in touch with David L. Fleck. He is a civil litigation and trial attorney who has been helping victims of fraud for decades.  In private practice since 2009, he has represented many individuals and companies to recover money and property that were fraudulently taken from them.